Every second person can decide to be a developer. Its that simple.
The myth around developers tends to get absolutely ridiculous. You have to be some kind of math guru with at least the genius of Einstein and then maybe a touch of Newton and don't forget to sprinkle a dash of Euclid. It gets really weird sometimes, the expectations of the uninitiated.
What most people don't know however is that they are already programmers. One needs to ask, "What exactly is programming?" When you do or set out to do a certain task, you go through some steps to get to the final stage at which you can say you have accomplished the task. Now these processes have to be in that exact order otherwise you won't reach the desired conclusion. That's the description of almost every job out there.
What we call programming is just a way of telling the computer how to do the things we already do. We are basically writing or giving instructions in a language the computer will understand. So tell me, why would this be an exclusive right of some super smart selected few? We tend to miss out on a great way of boosting productivity all because we have decided to put limits on ourselves.
The knowledge of a particular or several topics helps you to better apply it in the world of computing. Imagine learning a programming language and then having to figure out what to do with it. It would make a whole lot more sense to have domain knowledge and then apply it in computing. Its for this reason that you hear of people in seemingly totally unrelated fields becoming rock stars in development. Its simply because they aren't doing doing anything they haven't done before. They are just speaking a different language. You can buy the fuel and save for the car or you can buy the car and save for the fuel. Your choice!